Hi there, I’m Amanda… a wife and stay at home mom to my 2 kids. I’ve had a passion for cooking and baking for years now, and love trying out new recipes.
Growing up, I didn’t really have any desire to learn how to cook. Weird right? My Mom is a great cook, so I had a great teacher available, just didn’t take advantage of it.
But once I started cooking, I quickly discovered an intense passion and started cooking my way through all my cookbooks. This moved on to baking as well, and I’ve never looked back!
I started this website in October 2014 and have since discovered another passion… sharing my recipes and kitchen adventures with all of you ๐
So if you’re sitting there reading this, thinking to yourself, “I can’t cook these recipes… I burnt those cookies the other day”, or “Who am I kidding, I’m a terrible cook“… take a deep breath. Inhale…. exhale….
Guess what? That was me about 15 years ago. I moved in with my husband and quickly realized I couldn’t cook a thing, other than Hamburger Helper, and I still managed to screw that up on a regular basis!
I’m living proof that you CAN cook these recipes, and you ARE a great cook. Trust me. You don’t have to be a culinary arts graduate to cook great meals! My recipes contain helpful tips and tricks, as well as easy to follow step by step directions.
Now, does that mean you won’t occasionally set off the smoke detector? Probably not… because we’re all human… and I still do that from time to time! In fact, I just burnt our garlic bread pretty badly the other night lol. Live and learn, right?
The point is…. we keep going. Keep trying. Cooking is an art, and it’s one of the things I’m most passionate about. So if you have a question, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!